Category: lifestyle

5 Ways You Can Use Chat GPT to Save Time and Increase Your Productivity

Since the release of OpenAI’s extremely advanced text generation artificial intelligence, dubbed Chat GPT, the Internet has been going wild over its incredible potential.

8 Foolproof Ways To Read More Books This Year | How I Read 100+ Books A Year

As you have probably learned from social media, it is in fact no longer 2021. (It’s 2022!) This means that people are trying to set all sorts of lofty goals for the New Year, and one pretty common goal is… to read more books.

Reflecting on 2021: Blogging Milestones, Reading Stats, and New Year’s Resolutions | 2021 Mega-Wrap-up

I simply refuse to believe that today is the last day of 2021.

My Midyear Reading Progress Check | How I Track My Reading

How do you keep track of your reading progress?
I’ve always used Goodreads, but this year I also decided to track my reading via a spreadsheet, like the nerd that I am. I tracked four different metrics: book genre, book “age group”, and format I read it in.

I Deleted Snapchat During the Peak of the Pandemic: Now It’s Been Six Months

Last December, I felt completely alone. In the U.S., cases were skyrocketing and I hadn’t left my house for weeks, even to go outside. I’d stopped going to my extracurriculars a while ago as the pandemic ramped up, and school was still online. Though it was my favorite month of the year, even Christmas music couldn’t cheer me up.

2021 Reading Resolutions | TBR

It’s hard to believe 2020 is almost over, but I am certainly not complaining. Although it was a little lacking in other departments, 2020 was an amazing reading year for me. I started my blog in March, which reignited my almost-dormant passion for reading, and as the year went on my book addiction was completely rekindled. As of now- December 26th- I have read 125 books. That’s the highest number of books I’ve read in a year since I began keeping track on Goodreads in 2017.

Are We Wasting Our Lives?|Gen Z Perspective on Social Media

A few years ago, I wasn’t allowed on any form of social media, and the allure of something forbidden to me yet used by many of my peers caused me to spend almost all of middle school begging my mom to let me on Instagram. She finally relented when I turned 14.