Category: Writing


I recently moved into my college dorm to start my freshman year (which is, partly, why I have been so inactive online recently) and in my explorations of the campus I have discovered that the library is especially intriguing.

Discussion: Writer’s Block and Blogging Burnout

How could I let this happen? It’s twenty minutes before the time my weekly blog post is supposed to go up, and I’m sitting on the couch, staring at the devastatingly empty draft post on my laptop screen. My cursor blinks pitifully against the unforgiving expanse of blank space, until I close out of the tab with a plaintive sigh.

Reacting to my Old Writing Part 1 | (11-year-old me thought she was a literary genius)

I’ve been planning- or rather, procrastinating- getting back into creative writing for a while. I used to be really into it; I wanted to be a writer since I was five and wrote my first “book”, but when I started high school I kind of fell out of inspiration (if that phrasing makes any sense).